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Sunday, 22 January 2012

Ugly Purple Sweater

Ugly Purple Sweater originated as a partnership between Sam McCormally and Rachel Lord. Hailing from Washington DC, the now 5-piece band describe themselves as 'apocalyptic folk rock' (whatever that means)! Their second album - 'Conventions' - was released on EAR Distro/Coda on 12 November 2011.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Six Storeys High

Six Storeys High hail from Edinburgh and, with their debut album planned for later this year a tour spot with McFly would get them up there with the visibiliy they deserve! Log in to your Facebook account, open up the page from this link and hit the 'like' button now.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Mazzy Star

Mazzy Star - Hope Sandoval & David Roback - first got together to play some tunes back in 1989. It's been fifteen years though since any new material surfaced, so the release of 'Lay myself down' in October last year and the promise of a new album sometime after summer 2012 is a good thing. Tour dates are slowly being confirmed and it looks very much as though there are some UK ones.