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Sunday 13 January 2013

30 day song challenge

Prompted by a Facebook page I've liked, I've just started something called 'The 30 day song challange'. You can choose any 30-day period you want but must then post a new song consecutively for each of the 30 days using the specified  nomenclature. Here's that for the first 10 days:
  1. your favourite song
  2. your least favourite song
  3. a song that makes you happy
  4. a song that makes you sad
  5. a song that reminds you of someone
  6. a song that reminds you of somewhere
  7. a song that reminds you of a certain event
  8. a song that you know all the words to
  9. a song that you can dance to, and
  10. a song that makes you fall asleep
The first four I've chosen are - Bullfrog Blues (from Rory Gallagher's 1974 album 'The story so far), anything by Justin Beiber (because he is a boil on the bottom of the music industry), Paulo Nutini's 'Pencil full of lead' and 'The death of JP Lenior' by John Mayall.
I'll let you know about the next 10 sometime around 21st January.

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